CIN Systems has in its portfolio six families of products defined and adapted to different industries and needs:
ICI – «Intelligent Car Inspector» : Robotic cell for the inspection of the car body before the paint tunnel for the automotive sector with optional modules such as “GAP & FLUSH” to be able to measure all the flush and clearance of the moving parts of the body, while inspecting appearance defects.
ICAST – «Intelligent Cast & Forge parts inspector» : Compact equipment for inspecting castings and forgings with complex geometries, for all sectors. The system uses a combination of laser sensors, 3D cameras, proprietary analytical software and machine learning to optimize detection and reduce false reject.
IDI – «Intelligent Disc Inspector» : Compact equipment for inspecting revolutionary parts such as brake discs, pipe flanges, blades and the like. For sectors such as automotive, aeronautics and Oil & Gas. It can be used for forgings, castings or machined parts, as long as they are revolutionary. Inspection of surface defects in 100% of the part.

Modular Semi-Manual Loading Inspection Solutions: Compact hand-loading equipment for modular inspection and measurement solutions, small parts with high quality requirements. Automotive, aeronautical and similar sectors.

End-to-end robotic inspection solutions: “Ad-hoc” designs according to the customer’s needs, adapting sensors and automation to the requirements of the installation.

White Papers & Special Solutions: CIN also produces complete technical reports based on tests in its own facilities for specific applications where the state of the art of current technology is to be obtained and, of course, solutions with 2D cameras and special lenses for other types of specific inspection and measurement solutions that do not require laser triangulation.